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Adult Punch

Adult Punch


#1       Left inward parry, right hammer to bicep same time

            Right front snap kick to groin



#2       Left inward parry, right hammer to bicep same time

            Right front snap kick to groin

            Right first knuckle strike to temple

            Crossover step and long outward strike to tricep just above elbow



#2A    Left inward parry, right hammer to bicep same time

            Right front snap kick to groin

            Right back fist to temple and grab wrist w/both hands

            Crossover step w/right pointing foot at attacker

            Left front kick to ribs or knee

            Step out wide w/left and right roundhouse ball kick to solar plexus



#3       Left inward parry, right hammer to bicep same time

            Right front snap kick to groin

            Drop into horse stance and pull arm down w/both hands

            Push attacker’s shoulder w/left and left front kick to ribs



#3A    Left inward parry, right hammer to bicep same time

            Right front snap kick to groin keeping foot suspended

            Right chop to neck

            Grab neck area, swing foot back for momentum and throw attacker forward onto stomach

            Shuffle in horse stance and right backfist to lower spine, mid spine, and base of neck

            Pull up head w/left hand and right chop under nose

            Right upward rake to face and right palm strike to top of head



#4       Left inward parry, right hammer to bicep same time

            Right front snap kick to groin

            Step forward w/left, right chop to neck

            Right outside leg sweep

            Drop left knee on right side of head to immobilize

            Left chop and right chop to throat



#4A    Left inward parry, right hammer to bicep same time

            Right front snap kick to groin

            Step forward w/left, right chop to neck       

            Right outside leg sweep

            Grab wrist w/both hands into wrist lock and pull up to put attacker on his side

            Right front kick to spine, heel kick to solar plexus, and step over shoulder and under attacker’s head, pinning             arm between legs. 

            Grab wrist w/left, grab elbow w/right, step out into horse stance at 90 degree angle from attacker’s body

            Pull on wrist and push elbow to break shoulder (key lock)



#5       Side step to 9:00 into cat stance w/right hand over left catching punch

            Step back w/left into horse stance and twist arm clockwise

            Right hammer to elbow

            Right chop to neck

            Grab neck area w/right, step back w/right into forward stance, and right front snap kick to stomach, step     


            Step in w/right and right upward elbow to sternum



#5A    Side step to 9:00 into cat stance w/right hand over left catching punch

            Step back w/left into horse stance and twist arm clockwise

            Right hammer to elbow

            Right chop to neck

            Grab neck area w/right, Step back w/right into forward stance and right front snap kick to stomach

            Lift attacker’s right arm and pull down on shoulder w/right arm clockwise to take down

            Drop right knee on left arm while choking w/right forearm

            Right back fist to face



#6       Step to 10:30 w/left and right long outward block

            Hook wrist w/right hand, swing to left side, and knife hand rake to eyes

            Right roundhouse ball kick to solar plexus

            Push down and cover


#6A    Step to 10:30 w/left and right long outward block

            Hook wrist w/right and swing to left side

            Step in w/right between attacker’s legs, underhook arm w/left and right chop to ribs

            Switch feet, pivot clockwise pushing down on shoulder

            Right chop to back of neck and right knee to face 



#7       Side step to 9:00 into cat stance w/right hand over left catching punch

            Twist arm clockwise switch stance without moving feet

            Right front kick to groin

            Right forearm to elbow dropping right knee into 3-point stance

            Right back fist to back of neck



#7A    Side step to 9:00 into cat stance w/left hand over right catching punch

            Turn wrist over wrist take down position

            Right front kick to groin, step in w/ right, right hammer to bicep and right chop to neck

            Step through, wrist takedown



#8       Step to 9:00 w/left, left inward parry and right ridgehand to groin

            Step in w/right right chop to ribs

            Adjust feet Push down on shoulder w/left while stepping back into a forward stance

            Right chop to back of neck

            Right knee to head and push to takedown



#8A    Step to 9:00 w/left, left inward parry and right ridgehand to groin

            Step in w/right right chop to ribs

            Shift to horse stance Double index knuckle punch to spine and sternum

            Push down on shoulder w/left while stepping back into a forward stance

            Right chop to back of neck

            Right knee to head and push to takedown



#9       Drop to broken horse stance and left upward block and right vertical punch to groin

            Right uppercut to chin Right knee to stomach same time

            Right chop to ribs, crossover w/right, and headturn left

            (2nd attacker punches)

            Left side kick to 2nd attacker



#9A    Drop to broken horse stance and left upward block and right vertical punch to groin

            Cross behind step w/right, left chop to throat, right chop to groin, and grab w/both hands

            Step behind w/left into horse stance and drop attacker on left knee to break back

            Right punch to ribs



#10     Step to 9:00 w/left, left inward parry and right ridgehand to groin

            Step w/right between legs, right forward elbow to ribs, and grab and pull leg w/left hand to takedown (ankle             pick)

            Horse stance between attacker’s legs Right and left horizontal punches to groin

            Grab right foot and right punch to ankle

            Throw leg to right, shuffle horse stance to attacker’s side and right punch to ribs



#11     Left outward open hand block, right poke to eyes, and right front kick to groin

            Step back w/right into horse stance

            (Attacker punches again)

            Left sidekick to stomach



#12     Drop to broken horse stance and left upward block and right downward rake of face

            Head butt stomach and pull back of both legs to takedown

            Horse stance between attacker’s legs Right and left horizontal punches to groin

            Grab right foot and right punch to ankle

            Throw leg to right shuffle horse stance to attacker’s side and right punch to ribs



#13     Left outward block, right leopard punch, and right front kick to groin

            Crossover step w/right into horse stance

            (Attacker punches again w/left)

            Right side kick to stomach



#14/    Double inward strike to wrist and right front kick to groin

#15     Crossover w/right

            (Attacker punches again w/right)

            Left long outward block and right eagle claw to throat and takedown



#16     Step to 1:30 into horse stance and left long outward block and right back fist to groin

            Step in and right uppercut to chin and tricep

            Step in w/left, grab shoulder w/right arm and over the shoulder throw

            Right eagle claw to throat, Right knee on ribs, armbar over left leg



#17     Left inward parry, right hammer to bicep same time

            Right front snap kick to groin

            Switch hands Trap arm w/right arm and left forearm to elbow while dropping to knee to takedown

            Push down on elbow w/two hands to restrain



#18     (Attacker does a left jab and right cross)

            (Defender in a southpaw stance)

            Double right downward parrries

            Left front kick to groin and step in w/left

            Left and right chop to left side of neck

            Grab neck area w/right, pull to right, and left forward elbow to head to takedown



#19     Quick step back w/left, right front snap kick to groin



#20     Quick step back w/left, right front snap kick to groin

            right roundhouse to head



#21     Drop down to 9:00 on your hands and left knee and right roundhouse ball kick to groin

            Standup and cover


#21A  Drop down to 9:00 on your hands and left knee and right roundhouse ball kick to groin

            Stand up and jumping right front kick to face


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