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Club Defense

Club Defense
#1       (Overhead attack)
            Upward cross block w/right front kick to groin
            Step back w/right into forward stance, grab wrist w/left and turn counter clockwise
            Grab club w/right underhand grip, push club forward while stepping forward w/right and poke to ribs
#2       (Overhead attack)
            Upward cross block w/right front kick to groin
            Step back w/right into forward stance, grab wrist w/left and turn counter clockwise
            Grab club w/right underhand grip, push club forward while stepping forward w/right and poke to ribs
            Shoot right arm under elbow to break
            Position club under chin infront of neck
            Pivot counter clockwise to takedown and lock
#3       (Club attack from 45 deg. angle)
            Step to 1:30 into horse stance, right eagle claw strike and grab throat
            Pull w/left hand and pivot counter clockwise to takedown
            Restrain Eagle claw to throat, right knee on ribs, armbar over left leg
            Recover club and cover
#4       (Club attack from 45 deg. angle)
            Step to 1:30 into horse stance, left long outward block and right back fist to groin
            Step in w/left, Overhook arm w/left arm, pivot clockwise to pull attacker forward
            Half step out with left and shift direction, right ridgehand to throat to takedown
            Restrain Eagle claw to throat, right knee on ribs, armbar over left leg
            Recover club and cover
#5       (Poke to stomach)
            Sidestep to the left into cat stance and double open-hand side by side block
            Grab wrist w/right and figure-4 arm w/left arm
            Push club to face
            Push club to ground to takedown
            Left palm strike to elbow to disarm
            Recover club and cover
#6       (Poke to stomach)
            Sidestep to the left into cat stance and double open-hand side by side block
            Grab wrist w/left and right palm strike to back of hand to disarm
            Grab wrist w/right, step in w/left into horse stance, and left backfist to groin
            Reach under shoulder and around head or neck w/left hand palm down and grab
            Pull down with both hands to flip attacker over
            Drop left knee on ribs to restrain
            Recover club and cover
#7       (Club attack from 45 deg. angle)
            Step to 1:30 into horse stance, left long outward block, and right hammer to left collarbone
            Grab wrist w/left, step in w/right, and right forward elbow to left side of head to takedown
            Arm lock across left shin to disarm
            Recover club and cover
#8       (Club attack from 45 deg. angle)
            Step to 1:30 into horse stance, left long outward block, and right backfist to groin
            Step in w/right and right forward elbow to ribs
            Step through w/right then left under arm and pivot counter clockwise into forward stance
            Right front kick to groin
            Right forearm to elbow while dropping knee to ground into 3-point stance
            Recover club and cover
#9       (Poke to stomach)
            Sidestep to the left into cat stance and double open-hand side by side block
            Grab wrist w/left and right palm strike to back of hand to disarm
            Step in w/left and left backlist to groin
            Push arm between legs and grab w/left
            Right downward elbow to spine
            Right chop to back of neck
            Step behind attack holding arm with both hands
            Bump forward and pull arm back to flip attacker over
            Recover club and cover
#10     (Poke to stomach)
            Side step to 9:00 into cat stance w/right hand over left catching wrist
            Step back w/left into horse stance and twist arm clockwise
            Right hammer to elbow
            Right chop to neck
            Grab shoulder w/right, step back w/right into forward stance, and right front snap kick to stomach, step back
            Tuck club under left arm, step in w/right and right upward elbow to sternum
#11     (Poke to stomach)
            Sidestep to the left into cat stance and double open-hand side by side block
            Grab wrist w/left and right palm strike to back of hand to disarm
            Left front kick to side of knee and step down into horse stance
            Right forward elbow to ribs
            Left ridgehand to back of head to takedown
            Recover club and cover
#12     (Club attack from 45 deg. angle)
            Half-step to the right and left long outward block, right hammer to collarbone, and left front kick to groin
            Grab w/left, step in w/right, and right forward elbow to left side of head to takedown
            Recover club and cover
#13     (Club attack from 45 deg. angle)
            Half-step to the right and left long outward block, right poke to eyes, and left front kick to groin
            Grab wrist with left, step down, right hammer fist to bicep
            Step in with right, right elbow to face take down

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