Pinian 8
Set position
Upright position
Look right and right side kick to shin and right downward block over right thigh
Look to 12:00 and right front thrust kick and left upward block
Look over right shoulder to 6:00 and right back kick and right horizontal punch to 12:00, left hand to hip
Step to 12:00 w/right and left hand open and right fist at side looking to 6:00
Jump up and right switch kick
Slide left foot to right and left side kick to 6:00
Cross over w/left, step out w/right to 12:00, still looking at 6:00, and cross over again w/left and crouch down w/two hands touching the ground
Jump up, lifting your left knee first, then right front kick to 6:00, coming down facing 3:00 and looking to 6:00
Slide right foot to left and right side kick to 6:00
Cross over w/right, look over left shoulder to 6:00 and left back kick
Cross over w/left and step out w/right to 12:00
Step w/right all the way around facing 12:00 and front cover
Upright position
Set position
Revised 9/19
Salutation: Sir, I’m from the Kajukenbo system.
My Sijo is Adriano D. Emperado.
My Sifu is Kristin Kawahara
I will do Pinian #8.
Sir, may I begin.